Friday 12 January 2024

My Favourite Toy - Students' Stories

 Dmytro Kutniy

When I was little, my favorite toy was a small yellow car. I got it for my fifth birthday from my parents. The car was small but very bright and beautiful. It had big wheels and shiny windows.

I loved playing with my car. I rolled it on the floor, imagining myself as a racer. I built roads for it out of cubes and chairs. Sometimes I even took it to bed with me.

My car was my best friend. I always told it my secrets and shared my joys and sorrows with it. I remember one time I fell hard and broke my knee. I was very upset, but my car was always there for me and helped me cope with the pain.

I loved my yellow car very much. It was more to me than just a toy. It was my friend and my confidant.

Unfortunately, my car has not survived to the present day. But I still remember it and warmly recall the happy moments we spent together.

My love of cars has remained to this day. I often drive and love to travel. I always dream that one day I will buy myself a yellow car, just like the one I had in my childhood.

Nastia Kochetkova 

My favorite toy as a child was not the only one, of course. I have always been very versatile and always changed everything in my life. I played with cars, dolls, soft toys. I played doctor, cook, fireman. I loved toys very much, and I still do to this day. they remind me that even when we grow up and have our own children, work, study, we should not forget about the little us we were. we were all children and each of us is a child. and for me it is a way to relax and cope with emotional state or stress

Dasha Lvova

When I was a child, my favorite toy was a teddy bear named Brownie. I received Brownie as a birthday gift from my grandmother when I turned five. It was a delightful surprise, and the memory of that moment is etched in my mind.

Brownie was a soft, cuddly teddy bear with chocolate-brown fur. It had a tiny, embroidered nose and shiny black eyes that seemed to sparkle with innocence. One of its ears had a small tear, a battle scar from the countless adventures we embarked on together. Despite the tear, that imperfection only added character to my beloved companion.

Whenever I played with Brownie, my imagination knew no bounds. We went on imaginary journeys to distant lands, fought off dragons, and even hosted tea parties for my other toys. Brownie was my confidant, a silent listener to all my childhood secrets. I rarely let my friends or siblings play with it, creating a protective bubble around my cherished friend. One vivid memory involves a rainy day when Brownie and I built a fortress of cushions and blankets. We declared it our secret hideout, safe from the storm outside. It was a magical moment that strengthened my bond with Brownie.

Although the years have passed, I still have Brownie tucked away in a special corner of my room. While the tear has become more pronounced, it only serves as a reminder of the countless memories we created together. Now, I look at Brownie with a mix of nostalgia and fondness. My feelings towards Brownie have evolved with time. As a child, it was a source of comfort and companionship. Today, it represents a cherished piece of my past, a tangible link to the innocence and joy of childhood. While I may not actively play with it anymore, the sentiment attached to Brownie remains evergreen, reminding me of the simplicity and warmth of those early years.

Monday 6 November 2023

How to Teach Classroom Language

Як навчати мови класного вжитку?

Навчаючи мови класного вжитку, вчитель може використати кілька стратегій для полегшення навчання:

● Навчайте учнів мови класного вжитку з використанням опор. Почніть із коротких команд, можливо, з одного слова, наприклад, «Сідайте». Тоді вчитель може перейти до більш тривалої команди, наприклад, «Сідайте, будь ласка», і, зрештою, учні можуть вивчити альтернативні фрази, що означають те саме, наприклад, «Займіть свої місця».

● Переконайтесь, що учні знають, для чого призначена ця мова. Не залишайте їх поза навчальним процесом; вони повинні знати, що чим більше вони користуватимуться мовою класного вжитку, тим більше вони розвиватимуться, і що ці фрази покликані допомогти їм використовувати мову максимально природним чином.

● Ознайомивши учнів із поняттями, використовуйте їх! Вживайте їх якомога більше, щоб студенти звикли до них і врешті-решт також змогли використовувати їх.

● Використовуйте наочність, щоб допомогти учням вивчити та запам’ятати фрази класного вжитку.

Tuesday 31 October 2023

Sunday 21 May 2023

My Imaginary Visit to London - An Essay

by Yulia Khomchenko

As I closed my eyes, I imagined myself embarking on a journey to London, England. I decided to travel by plane, and after a few hours of flight, I landed at Heathrow airport. The airport was huge, and it took me some time to navigate my way through it. I was excited to explore the city, so I quickly made my way to the city center.
As I walked through the bustling streets of London, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sights and sounds around me. The language was not a problem for me since I had been practicing my English for months, but the accents were something that surprised me. The people were friendly and welcoming, and I felt at home in this new place.
For my stay, I decided to book a room at a small hostel near the city center. It was a cozy place with friendly staff and a vibrant atmosphere. I loved the place, and it was a perfect base for my explorations.
There were so many sights to see in London, but I had narrowed down my list to three must-see places. The first place on my list was the Tower of London, where I marveled at the Crown Jewels and learned about the history of the tower. The second place was the British Museum, where I spent hours exploring the vast collection of artifacts from around the world. The third place was the iconic London Eye, where I enjoyed panoramic views of the city.
As my imaginary visit came to an end, I realized how much I had enjoyed exploring London. I had met new people, tried new foods, and learned so much about the city's history and culture. I knew that I would always cherish these memories and that I would definitely visit London again one day.

Thursday 18 May 2023

University - Quizlet

 Quizlet Vocabulary Cards (Unit 4 University Yanson V. A Practical Guide for Learners of English)

1. University Mind Map (p.128)

2. Phrases and Word Combinations p.129

3. Mary's Life at the University

My Favourite Toy - Students' Stories

  Dmytro Kutniy When I was little, my favorite toy was a small yellow car. I got it for my fifth birthday from my parents. The car was small...