Thursday, 9 April 2020

Education in Great Britain

Шановні студенти! Звертаю вашу увагу, що окрім вправ у зошиті ви також виконуєте завдання онлайн та надсилаєте роботи мені на електронну пошту. На даний момент це такі завдання:
1) онлайн-курс на сайті Memrise "100 irregular verbs" (я все бачу )) - всього пройшли лише 10 студентів, лише 3 з високим балом)
2) коментар під постом 2 тиждень
3) аудіозапис читання тексту "Education in Ukraine" (відправити на пошту викладача)
4) граматичний тест на сайті Liveworksheets (worksheet  - результати відправити на пошту викладача, як це зробити показано у відео 3 тижня)

4 завдання - 4 оцінки з теми "Освіта в Україні та англомовних країнах". У вас є ще можливість їх виконати.

Тема. Education in Great Britain.

1. Checking Homework.
Зробіть фото схеми "Education in Ukraine", яку ви заповнили в зошиті за зразком минулого тижня. Надішліть її мені на електронну пошту.

Підготовка до контрольної роботи
2. Listening
a) Do Ex.1 p.42 Consult the dictionary if you don't know any words.
b) Work with the video and do the following tasks (до зошита)

3. Reading.
Read the text on page 188 (Tapescript Unit 3 Listening p.42). Compare it with the video you have watched in Task 2. What new information about education in Britain have you learnt from it? Answer in the comments. Увага! За коментарі ви отримуєте гарні оцінки!

4. Повторіть вірш про неправильні дієслова. Наступного тижня проведемо відеоконференцію, де ви розкажете вірш напам'ять.
Також наступного тижня тематична контрольна робота, яка буде проведена у вигляді тестування на сайті "На Урок".


  1. Вибачте,а що мені робити якщо у мене інтернету вже тиждень майже немає.тобто я лише з разу десятого на сайт зайшла.У відеоконференцію я не зможу зайти.Можна на відео зняти як я розповідаю вірш( з заплющеними очима)і надішлю вам на ел.пошту?відео хоч буде годину відправлятися,але відправиться.

    1. Не хвилюйтеся, це все можна вирішити. Записуйте відео, відправите при нагоді.

  2. most secondary schools the students wear a uniform.Many British school children only learn a foreign language from the age of eleven.

  3. most secondary schools the students wear a uniform.Many British school children only learn a foreign language from the age of eleven.
    Роздайбіда Сніжана 13-ПО

  4. Many people in Britain are against public schools. They believe that all children in the country should have equal opportunities at the start and go to a usual British comprehensive school.
    Савчук Валерія 13-ПО

  5. Some parents prefer private education for their kids. No more than 5 percent attend private school. Private school are sometimes called `independent`and those ones which teach pupils aged 13 to 19 years old are called public`
    Качковська Олеся

  6. I was very interested to learn about the education of children in Britain. I found both the general and the different in our training systems. For example, in high school in Britain, children learn food technology and design technology.
    Юлія Копійка 13-ПО

    1. I see that you like the video. Was there anything new in the text?


    2. Of course, rugby and cricket at school were new to me. Also a new fact from the British school was the uniform for children from private schools.

  7. I learned that English pupils, Unlike Ukrainian schoolchildren, go to 1st form only when they are 11 or 12.Also, I learned about that the most famous British public schools include Harrow, Winchester and Eton which date back to the 15th century

    1. I learned that English pupils, Unlike Ukrainian schoolchildren, go to 1st form only when they are 11 or 12.Also, I learned about that the most famous British public schools include Harrow, Winchester and Eton which date back to the 15th century
      Сагоян Катерина 13-ПО

  8. Харанфіль Наталія 13-ПО
    Learning about the education of British children. I found commonalities and differences between our training systems. For example, in Britain, secondary school students study Food technology and design technology.

    1. Yes. I also learned that British students can learn a foreign language from the age of ten or eleven.

  9. Many British school children only learn a foreign language from the age of eleven.Some parents prefer private education for their kids.
    Алина Подгола 13-ПО

  10. Most children start primary school at the age of 5 and in Ukraine at the 6-7 years old.
    Аксьонова Ніна, 13-ПО

    1. You should compare the information in the text and in the video. They are both about Britain.

  11. I learned that in most British schools, children wear uniforms. They start studying at 5 years old, and we also have this, but rarely. We also don't have items like "Design" and "Food technology". I think it's fun. Also, most parents do not mind paying for their children's education.

    1. Well spotted!
      You should write "subjects" not "items".

  12. Корихалова Катерина 13-ПО
    I was very interested in learning about the education of children in Britain. I learned that all children go to school in school and learn foreign languages ​​from the age of 11.

  13. Most children start primary school at the age of 5. Then, at 11 they go to secondary school. After exams about forty per cent of students leave school. The others usually study three subjects for two more years.
    Желєзняк Катерина 13-ПО

  14. Some presents prefer private education for their kids. Many people in Britain are against public school but many British school children only learn a foreign language from the age 11 and also in Britain secondary School students study Food technology and it's very cool l think.

  15. Кухар Дарья 13-ПО
    Some presents prefer private education for their kids. Many people in Britain are against public school but many British school children only learn a foreign language from the age 11 and also in Britain secondary School students study Food technology and it's very cool l think.

  16. Many children start elementary school at age five. Then, at eleven, they go to high school.

  17. Many children start elementary school at age five. Then, at eleven, they go to high school.
    Верховский Александр 13-ПО

    1. They don't go to high school, I'm afraid. Of course in the UK and Australia, the term "high school" is sometimes used in the names of schools for children aged from eleven to 18 but if we mean school in general it should be secondary school.

  18. Горошко Семён 13-ПО

    I learned that in Britain people start to go to school from the age of 5. In most schools, children wear uniforms. The school day is two hours longer than ours.


  19. I learned that in Britain children go to school from 5 years. Lessons start at 9 o`clock. Children learn Spanish and Italian.And most secondary schools the students wear a uniform.
    Бєлова Наталя 13-ПО

    1. Thank you! You should be more careful with your grammar.

  20. I learned that English students go to 1st grade only when they are 11 or 12 years old. Also, in most high schools, students wear uniforms.Полтавець Софія 13-ПО

    1. In Britain they say "secondary school", not "high school".

  21. Learning about the education of British children. I foud comonalities and differences between our training systems. For example, in Britain, secondary shool students study Food techology and design technology.

    1. Це ж відповідь Наталії Харанфіль, тільки з помилками. Не зараховую.

  22. I was most impressed that children go to school at the age of 5, it is very rare for us. At the age of 5 our child is still in kindergarten

  23. Денисова Ксенія 13ПО


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