Шановні студенти! Звертаю вашу увагу на те, що завдання кожного тижня спрямовані на розвиток ваших мовних та мовленнєвих навичок, а значить готують до успішного написання вами семестрових контрольних робіт та ЗНО. Тому в ваших інтересах вчасно та ретельно їх виконувати.
1. Checking Homework. Аналіз домашнього завдання.
Thank you for expressing your opinion! It was interesting to find out what problems you are worried about. Anna Dmitrieva, Kate Zoz, Nastia Koba, Valentyna Andrusik, Liza Vaschenko, Masha Dzhulai have got excellent marks.
Багато студентів ще не виконали завдання з попереднього тижня. У вас ще є можливість зробити його протягом цього тижня. Максимальна оцінка - "добре".
Дублюю завдання:
Express your opinion. Work in Linoit.
a) watch the video explaining how to work1. Checking Homework. Аналіз домашнього завдання.
Thank you for expressing your opinion! It was interesting to find out what problems you are worried about. Anna Dmitrieva, Kate Zoz, Nastia Koba, Valentyna Andrusik, Liza Vaschenko, Masha Dzhulai have got excellent marks.
Багато студентів ще не виконали завдання з попереднього тижня. У вас ще є можливість зробити його протягом цього тижня. Максимальна оцінка - "добре".
Дублюю завдання:
Express your opinion. Work in Linoit.
b) go to the virtual board LIno
c) do the following task (на оцінку):
Complete the sentences with the words from ex.1, p.215.
The most important problem for me is ... .
I often worry about ... and ... .
My friends are also worried about ... .
Many teenagers have problems with ... but it doesn't matter to me.
I think ... is the least important among these problems.
2. Warming up
Modern life exposes young people to certain dangers. Some teens may:
- become net addicts and spend too much time with the computer
- try to earn their own money and begin to neglect their school and homework
- ruin their health at a young age.
2. Warming up
Modern life exposes young people to certain dangers. Some teens may:
- become net addicts and spend too much time with the computer
- try to earn their own money and begin to neglect their school and homework
- ruin their health at a young age.
Do you know any teenagers who have similar problems? Write about them in the comments.
3. Vocabulary Practice.
Read and translate the expressions on p.217, ex.3. Now use them to translate the following text: (Перекладаємо з метою тренування вживання нової лексики! Користуйтеся виразами вправи 3! Не використовуйте перекладач!) Переклад пишемо до зошита для дистанційного навчання. Це підготовка до виконання наступного завдання творчого характеру.
Багато підлітків мають низьку самооцінку. Вони дуже переживають про свою зовнішність. Деякі молоді люди намагаються виглядати круто в очах друзів та експериментують зі своїм зовнішнім виглядом. Деякі підлітки шукають незалежності у всьому, вони голосно протестують проти ставлення до них, як до дітей. Такі діти іноді бентежать батьків скандальною поведінкою. Не дивно, що молоді люди не можуть знайти спільну мову з дорослими, а іноді й з однолітками.
4. Writing Practice.
Now you are ready to do the following task: Create a portrait of a typical Ukrainian teenager.
Nowadays, young Ukrainians are facing many problems.
First of all, Ukrainian teenagers ... .
They also ... and ... .
Some young people ... .
Many teens ... but some of them ... .
They even ... .
As a rule, many young people also worry about ...
I also think ...
To sum up, ...
Write a short essay of 7-10 sentences.
Завдання виконуємо на віртуальній дошці на оцінку. Як працювати з віртуальною дошкою розказую у відео вище.
5. Reading Practice.
a) Read the text in Ex.4, p.217-218 Find the answers to the questions in the beginning of the text.
b) Find Engish equivalents to the following Ukrainian phrases (до словника):
стикатися з проблемами, утримувати родину належним чином, безробітний, погані умови життя, погана економічна ситуація, поганий вплив на життя, покладатися на власні сили (ресурси), приділяти більше уваги молоді, майбутнє залежить від молодих поколінь.
I know teenagers who have similar problems. My friends became net addicts and spend too much time with the computer. They can play games or watch videos for hours. They rarely go outside and prefer to chat with friends at home. Because of this, they have problems with their parents.
ReplyDeleteI hope it's not too late to do something about this addiction. I think they and their parents must seek the help of a psychologist.
DeleteIn my life I have not met teenagers who would ruin themselves or study, but I know several Ukrainian shows in which you can meet them. An example for my story, I took the television show "Пацанки." Here you can see girls who, due to certain life difficulties, began to use drugs and alcohol, smoke, abandon their studies and thereby kill their future. Most of them became so because of family, friends and various life problems. This show helps them get better through various trials and conversations with psychologists. Each week, a girl leaves the project, who, according to experts, has lost the desire to change. The one who can overpower herself and take the path of correction wins.
ReplyDeleteThis show is an excellent example. I remember watching Season 1 of it.
DeleteYes, I know a teenager who has similar problems. My girlfriend, because of her difficulties with her parents, is trying to make her own money to meet her needs. Therefore, she does not attend school or do her homework. But this problem is gone, because the parents have solved this problem through conversation and now everything is fine.
ReplyDeleteThat proves that adults should talk to their children more often in order to understand their problems.
DeleteUnfortunately, in my life there have been many people who do not consider their lives valuable, and destroy it since childhood. Many such people began to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes from the age of 12, after some time they began to complain about life and found salvation in drugs. quarrels with parents and other problems pushed them to thoughts of suicide, some of my friends even made suicide attempts. This is very sad. I am trying in every possible way to help these people, explaining that life is not such a bad thing and that you can find a way out of any situation. I even managed to wean several people from drugs. I believe that the problem of frequent sitting at the computer is not as important as the problem when people roll their lives downhill, destroying their health and communication with people around .
ReplyDeleteNet addiction is just another form of escape from reality. Just like drugs. It can also have sad consequences, just in the longer run.
ReplyDeleteYes, I know a teenager who has similar problems.Some of my friends have bad habits. They consume alcohol and smoke cigarettes. It is bad for their health. Also, some of my friends spend too much time playing computer games. They take so much time to do this that they don’t even have time to chat with their friends and family.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
DeleteDuring my life I had friends who were addicted to smoking and computer games. But I am neutral about people's choice. Everyone decides how to live, with which friends to be friends, and what habits to have. For some time I tried to wean, but this is pointless.
ReplyDeleteI see.
DeleteNowadays,most teenager have a network addiction.Somwone more ,and someone less.Yes,I know such teenager who do not noties reality,but only play computer games ,get drunk in messengers .In fact ,it`s all sad ,that teenager "live"in social networks
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your opinion! You should be more careful with grammar and spelling - there are quite a lot of mistakes.
DeleteThe relationship with friends play an important role in the lives of teens. Positive friendships provide youth with companionship and support.
ReplyDeleteWe are discussing problems here and giving specific examples. Can you think of any?
DeleteIn my life I had a lot of acquaintances and friends who drank alcohol and even used drugs. But after entering college, I stopped talking to them and I hope that they will be fine.
ReplyDeleteViktor Velits
You've made a good choice, I think.
DeleteDzhulai Mariia
ReplyDeleteI know teenagers who have similar problems. Some of my friends have bad habits. They consume alcohol and smoke not only cigarettes. It is very bad for their health, but they do not hear and do as they please. Also, my friends spend too much time playing computer games and sitting on phones. It takes them so long that they do not even have time to talk to their family and do their homework.
Thank you! It's not correct to say "sitting on phones". "Texting on the phones" or "surfing the Internet in the phones" or "using social networks" are better variants.