Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Introduction to Education in Ukraine

Тема. Education in Ukraine

1. Warming up. 
a) Watch the video and write down the subjects that you hear.
b) What's your favourite subject? Write in the comments to this post. Напишіть відповідь на запитання в коментарях.

2. Vocabulary Revision
a) Listen and say (р.10, ех.24): audio
Переконайтеся, що ви записали ці слова до словників з транскрипцією та перекладом.

b) Listen to the audio and answer the questions (press "pause" after each question and answer orally): questions You may consult the text on p.9
с) Listen to the questions again. Write the answers into your copybooks for distance learning (до зошита для дистанційного навчання).

3. Reading
a) Complete the text with the words from the box - p.43, ex.5 (Карпюк О. Англійська мова, 10 клас)
b) Now listen to the recording and check yourself.
c) Practise reading the text after recording. Then record your reading and send to my email. 
Зробіть запис свого читання тексту на диктофон (або використайте сервіс Vocaroo) та надішліть на адресу natalia.zavgorodnyaja@gmail.com

Good luck!


  1. Сагоян Катерина 13-ПО
    My favourite subject is algebra, because I never have difficulty with it and always get good marks in tests.

  2. Копійка Юлія 13-ПО
    Since school, my favorite subject is English, because these lessons are always interesting and fun.

  3. Качковська Олеся 13-ПО

    My favorite subjects is literature, because I like to read books and the feeling of different life.

  4. Бєлова Наталя 13-ПО
    My favorite subject is math, because I like everything related to it.

  5. Ведькал Карина 13-ПО
    My favourite subject is maths, because I like to solve equationsand and tasks.

  6. Савчук Валерія 13-ПО
    My favorite subject is English, because knowledge of English is cool these days.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Харанфіль Наталія 13-ПО
    My favorite subject is English, because studying this subject I learn a lot of new things

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Желєзняк Катерина 13-ПО
    English is my favorite subject. I love it because this item is interesting and will help me in the future in my travels

    1. You'd better say: this SUBJECT is interesting. The use of "item" is not correct in this sentence.

  11. My favorite subject is PE, because I love sport.
    Nina Aksonova, 13-ПО

  12. Полтавець Софія 13-ПО
    My favorite subject is literature, because I really like reading books

  13. My favorite subject is Ukrainian language and literature , because I love reading books that inspire us to become more than who we are .

  14. Роздайбіда Сніжана 13-ПО
    My favorite subject is biology

  15. My favorite subject is physical education, because on this subject you can relax mentally and work physically.

  16. My favorite subject is computer science, because I have long been interested in computer technology and I like it.

  17. Анастасiя Масюк 13-ПО
    My favorite subject is literature, because I like to learn new plots of works.

  18. My favorite subject is geography.I learn more about different cities and countries

  19. Анікєєва Галина 13-ПО

    My favorite subject is physical education, because I love an active lifestyle and I can’t sit still.

  20. Скрябіна Тетяна 13-ПО
    My favorite subject is literature, because I really like to read and spend time with benefit.

  21. Корихалова Катерина 13-ПО
    My favorite subject is physical culture, because I like to move: to run, to jump, to play different games.

    1. Thanks! In English it's "physical education" or "physical training".

  22. Верховский Александр 13-по
    I am not an expert in English, but as a school subject I like him more than other subjects

  23. Горошко Семён 13-ПО

    My favorite subject is physical education. Because my whole life is connected with sports.

  24. Замора Анастасия 13-ПО
    My favorite subject is computer science, because I like to learn something new about the world of computer technology.

  25. Денисова Ксенія 13ПО
    My favorite subject is biology. Because it is here that we can study new plants and animals and learn about them new information.

    1. OK. Mind your word order - it should be "learn new information about them".

  26. My favorite subject is physical education. Namely volleyball!


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