Тема. Англійська поезія ХVІІІ століття. Творчість Р.Бернса та В.Блейка
Literature: Мацелюх Ігор. Англійська література: Підручник для курсу за вибором "Література Великої Британії". - Тернопіль: Лібра Терра, 2012. - 160 с.
My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart’s in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe,
My heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth-place of valour, the country of worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
Farewell to the mountains high cover'd with snow;
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods;
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods:
My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart’s in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe,
My heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go.
Task 5
Task 6
Task 1
Read the biography of Robert Burns on p.118-119. Write the answers to the questions about Burns' Life (p.120, ex.1 Burns' life).
Task 2
Перегляньте відео про життя Роберта Бернса. Яку неточність допущено в розповіді? Дайте відповідь у коментарях до цього посту.
Task 3
Багато віршів Р. Бернса покладені на музику. Прослухайте пісні “Auld Lang Syne” та “Scots Wha Hae” Доведіть, що вони відіграють важливу роль в традиціях британського народу (consult Wikipedia).
Task 4
Вивчіть напам'ять вірш My Heart in the Highlands (декламуємо на заліку)
My heart’s in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe,
My heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth-place of valour, the country of worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
Farewell to the mountains high cover'd with snow;
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods;
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods:
My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart’s in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe,
My heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go.
Farewell - прощавайте
roe - косуля
rove - мандрувати
valour - доблесть
strath - лощина
Cover'd = covered
A-chasing = chasing (The a- prefix is an intensifier, or quite possibly just a useful additional syllable to make the line scan properly)
Task 5
Перегляньте відео про творчість Вільяма Блейка (00:00 - 17:44, 38:40 - 43:11). Занотуйте назви збірок та поезій. Дайте розгорнуту відповідь на запитання "У чому полягає унікальність В.Блейка як митця?" (письмово).
Познайомтеся з "Піснями невинності" В.Блейка. Проаналізуйте, яким радісним моментам людського життя присвячені поезії (письмово).
Task 7
Багато висловлювань В. Блейка стали крилатими. Познайомтеся з Quotes by William Blake та виберіть одне висловлювання, з яким ви згодні та поділіться ним у соцмережах (у Твіттер, Фейсбук, не забудьте відмітити мене).
Task 8
Тематична контрольна робота (буде розміщена 02.04.2020, повторіть матеріал, починаючи з першої лекції).
Task 7
Багато висловлювань В. Блейка стали крилатими. Познайомтеся з Quotes by William Blake та виберіть одне висловлювання, з яким ви згодні та поділіться ним у соцмережах (у Твіттер, Фейсбук, не забудьте відмітити мене).
Task 8
Тематична контрольна робота (буде розміщена 02.04.2020, повторіть матеріал, починаючи з першої лекції).
ReplyDeleteI noticed that Robert Burns had a lot of loves in his life, from the video I know that he first fell in love in 14, and from the book I know that he fell in love in 15. And the video does not say much about his patriotic love of work, in the book a lot of information about this.
Well spotted!
ReplyDeleteRobert has a very interesting biography. Before watching the video, I read his biography not only from the book, but also from other sources. Some of them say that he received his first education from his father. He also had 8 illegitimate children. Jean gave birth to Robert 9 children, but 6 of them died while they were still children.
I'm glad to hear you've done some additional reseach, Vicky
DeleteAfter watching this video, I realized that his life was rich and interesting. There was not enough infotmation for me and I decided to learn more about it. Victoria is right that he received primary education from his father. Robert had three illegitimate daughters from casual relationships. The first translation of his prose into Russian was four years after his death.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know about Russian translations being made so soon after his death! Thank you, Nastia ))
DeleteAt the beginning of the video about the life of Robert Burns, it is said that Robert's father regretted all his life that he had no education, and therefore hired a teacher for his children. A year later, they moved and the father independently studied grammar and arithmetic with his children. But how is this possible if he was uneducated?
ReplyDeleteI think his father had some basic knowledge.
DeleteAfter watching a video about Robert Burns, I realized how interesting, and difficult the life of this Scotland poet was. I am amazed at the ambiguity of his fate. Burns grew up in a rural family, but, once in Edinburgh, he impressed secular society with his good manners and educations. Although he had the opportunity to become even more famous by starting to work with the newspaper, he refused, because he was worried about the comfortable life of his family after his death. I learned from other sources that Robert Burns originally spelled his name “Burnes”.
ReplyDelete@ Valeria Beteva
DeleteIndeed, it's known that his father spelt his name as William Burnes or Burness.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAfter watching the video and reading the biography of Robert Burns, I realized that he was very hardworking, purposeful, loving and caring towards his family. As you know, burns is still very much loved in his native country. I became interested in how people honor the memory of this talented poet and I found out that the birthday of Robert Burns (25.01.1759) is celebrated in Scotland with a traditional festive dinner. At such a dinner, the dishes sung by the poet are always served, the main one being Haggis (stuffed with lamb's heart, liver, lungs, onions and spices lamb's stomach). Dishes are brought out to the music of bagpipes and pre-read the corresponding poems of the poet, in particular, the poem "Ode to Haggis" is dedicated to Haggis.
ReplyDeleteOlha Chuprina
DeleteI want to add that the meal you've described is called Burns supper.
DeleteRobert Burns is the national poet of Scotland. In his poems, Burns sang the beauty of his native land.
ReplyDeleteBurns was born in Alloway. When Robert was 6, he was sent to a school. Robert and his brother Gilbert were given a good knowledge of English. They progressed rapidly in reading and writing.
Robert Burns was of the heart disease which troubled him for much of his life and from which he died.
I learned from other sources that Robert Burns's birthday is celebrated in Scotland with a traditional holiday dinner. At this dinner, be sure to serve dishes, the main one being haggis. Dishes take to the music bagpipes and preread poet's poem «Ode to Haggis».
During the review, I found several differences with the information found on the Internet. The video says that Robert's father, William Burns, was an absolutely illiterate person, which he regretted all his life. The Internet says that the father taught his children himself, because of poverty, there was not enough money for a teacher. I also want to draw attention to the history of Burns's acquaintance with the work of Robert Ferguson. The video says that Burns first read his work at age 22 and fell in love with Scottish language and folklore. But the Internet says that as a child he fell in love with Ferguson's Scottish poems.
ReplyDeleteAnn Karalkina
DeleteWell spotted!
DeleteWhen I watched this video and read a more detailed biography of Robert Burns, I was very amazed at how much he had an interesting, complex, and at the same time diverse life. Most of all I was shocked by his love story and his desire to achieve more in all areas of his life.
ReplyDeleteBy Ann Kurmanova 42-PO
His biography is a very gripping reading, indeed.
DeleteAfter watching the video I found some inconsistencies. A short biography says that he fell in love with the Scottish language at the age of 22 but in different sources with his biography it is indicated that his parents taught him to love the language from early childhood.
ReplyDeleteMariia Vereshagina
DeleteThank you!
DeleteAfter watching the video, I wanted to know exactly the facts about Burns and here are some of them. Burns’s poems are well known to Soviet television viewers, because they were sounded in some films, in particular, the song “My soul has no peace” from the movie “Office Romance” or “Love and Poverty” from the film “Hello, I'm Your Aunt!”. Robert Burns's birthday is celebrated in Scotland with a traditional festive dinner.
ReplyDeleteWhat about mistakes in the video?
DeleteFrom the video I learned a lot of interesting things that were not said in the book. For example, that Robert suffered from rheumatism since childhood, which prevented him all his life. And I also realized that he had a very eventful life. I think he never met true love. The thing is he has changed so many women. But this did not affect his work. He will remain a great writer.
ReplyDeleteThank you!