Sunday, 25 November 2018

Watching Suggestions - Christmas Vibes

As some of you got interested in my You Tube guide I continue this series of posts with my getting-ready-for-Christmas selection of videos.

Can you feel the Christmas spirit in the air? Maybe not, as we start decorating our homes and offices later in the year. In English-speaking countries Christmas is celebrated on 25 December and Christmas vibes are everywhere, even on You Tube.

I like the tradition of counting down the days to Christmas with an advent calendar and celebrating the season in anticipation of Christmas with a treat everyday!  Since the date of the first Sunday of Advent varies, falling between November 27 and December 3 inclusive, the Advent calendar usually begins on December 1. 

It's a pity we haven't got it in Ukraine but you can get the idea what an advent calendar is by watching reviews. Advent calendars range in theme. There are plenty of them  - chocolate and non-chocolate, and they are not just for children (you can read about all the variety here). There are usually 24 windows - one for each day of December leading up to and including Christmas Eve (December 24). The calendar windows open to reveal an image, a poem, a portion of a story, or a small gift, such as a toy or a sweet.

If you seach You Tube, you'll find lots of Lego advent calendars reviews, as well as milk chocolate calendars opened by kids. And it's not an easy task to understand what these kids are saying :) So the first video is the dialogue between the mother and the daughter. The mother's speech is quite clear and she often repeats what the little girl says. You'll be able to revise (or even learn) the names of stationary as they are reviewing the stationary advent calendar.

Stationary Advent Calendar Opening

The next video which I've chosen will give you an idea what a themed calendar is. Watch and make a list of useful expressions how to react to a present. You will also learn the names for various socks models as well as revise Star Wars and Disney characters.

Disney Star Wars 12 Days Of Socks Advent Countdown Calendar Unboxing Review

The third advent calendar review is actually Emma Hill opening 3 beauty calendars. Enjoy her very British manners and sense of humour. How many names of beauty products can you hear while watching? Challenge yourself and write them all down.

Emma Hill reviewing 3 beauty calendars

Of course, not everybody in Britain and the USA buys an advent calendar. Many people make them themselves. Here is a very clear DIY (Do It Yourself) tutorial, it may even inspire you to create your own calendar.
DIY Christmas Advent Calendar

There are two things about the next video I especially like - it's about upcycled advent calendar (which means it's made of all kinds of potential waste - so eco-friendly!) and the girl is speaking with an accent - listen to how she says the words cut, cup, bucket, first. If you are interested in British accents, please, let me know in the comments.

Those who read this post till the end get a treat - a video with Benedict Cumberbatch who acts out the reactions to bad Christmas presents. They say the British don't like complaining, they usually put up a show that everything is fine, even if it's not.

Benedict Cumberbatch Teaches How to React to Bad Xmas Gifts

So that's all for today. Let me know in the comments which video you like best and why. In case you missed my previous Christmas posts, read them here: OK English: Christmas

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Types of Questions - Типи питань в англійській мові

Making up questions in English is a hard task for the majority of Ukrainian or Russian-speaking learners. I have already explained the reasons of it in the post Why is it difficult to learn English grammar? Remember, in an English sentence everything must be in the right place! The following instructions will hopefully help you to avoid mistakes in questions.

Поділимо існуючі типи запитань на 2 категорії:

1. Запитання з інверсією (тобто непрямим порядком слів). В таких запитаннях обов'язково ставити допоміжне дієслово перед підметом. До них належать:

- general - загальні 

допоміжне дієслово + підмет + основне дієслово у потрібній формі + ... ?

Does Canada separate Alaska from the major territory of the USA?

- special - спеціальні (окрім питань до підмета)

питальне слово + допоміжне дієслово + підмет + основне дієслово у потрібній формі ... ?

How do the states differ?

- alternative - альтернативні

допоміжне дієслово + підмет + основне дієслово у потрібній формі + ... or ... ?

Does Washington, D.C. stand on the Potomac River or on the river Thames?

Форма основного дієслова залежить від часу, в якому вжито присудок! Згадай, які часи повинні мати 1 форму, які - 3 форму, а які - форму з -ing у питальному реченні.

2. Запитання з прямим порядком слів (тобто підмет + присудок + другорядні члени речення). До таких належать:

- special questions to the subject - спеціальні запитання до підмета

What (Who) + присудок (допоміжного дієслова НЕМАЄ)

Who purchased the land from the private owners?

- disjunctive (with tags) - розділові запитання. Існує 2 варіанти:

стверджувальне речення, допоміжне дієслово+not + займенник, що відповідає підмету

George Washington purchased the land from the private owners, didn't he?


заперечне речення, допоміжне дієслово + займенник, що відповідає підмету

The President doesn't make laws, does he?

Алгоритм складання запитань до речення:

1. Знайди присудок у стверджувальному реченні.
2. Визнач граматичний час присудка.
3. Визнач допоміжне дієслово. Якщо важко, користуйся алгоритмом:

Чи є у реченні дієслово am, are, is, was, were, will?

Так - Сміливо став їх на місце перед підметом
Ні - Чи є в реченні have, has, had? 

Ні - допоміжним буде або do/does (Present Simple), або did (Past Simple). 
Так - Чи є у реченні 3 форма основного дієслова?

Так - використовуй have, has, had у якості допоміжного дієслова.
Ні - допоміжним буде або do/does (Present Simple), або did (Past Simple). 

4. Склади питання першої категорії за пропонованими вище схемами. Слідкуй за порядком слів, в англійській мові. Памятай, що форма основного дієслова залежить від часу, в якому вжито присудок! 
5. Склади питання другої категорії за пропонованими вище схемами. 

Example: The capital was named after the first president. 
Was the capital  named after the first president?
Who was the capital named after? 
Was the capital named after the first or the second president? 
What was named after the first president? 
The capital was named after the first president, wasn't it?

Time to practise!

Make up 3 questions of different types (general, special, alternative) to each sentence.

1. Colin has borrowed me this book for a while.
2. They will take two exams next term.
3. My neighbours study maths at the university.
4. Oksana is singing in the assembly hall.

Follow the algorythm:
1. Виділи підмет, присудок, допоміжне дієслово.
2. Якщо у реченні немає допоміжного дієслова - визнач час основного дієслова та згадай його допоміжне - Present Simple (do, does), Past Simple (did).
3. Далі постав кожен компонент на своє місце:

(Питальне слово) + допоміжне  дієслово + підмет + основне дієслово (його форма залежить від часу) + (додаток + обставина)

Sunday, 4 November 2018

My Watching Suggestions

I often give my students the advice to listen to the native speakers of English as much as possible. I did it at least twice this week - first when we discussed the formation of listening comprehension skills at the lecture and then during a lively spontanious discussion in class about improving pronunciation. So I wondered if they usually follow it and do as I say having a wide range of possibilities at their hands. And I also thought that one can get lost in the amount of available videos on the Internet and that English learners may need a guide in the world of English-speaking Youtubers.

I personally think that watching vlogs and following British native speakers is a good idea both if you want to improve your English systematically and if your goal is to brush up the language from time to time. You can also learn a lot about the culture and the lifestyle.

As the Halloween vibes are still in the air I chose the videos which can give you the idea what place this traditinal holiday takes in the lives of common British people.

Video 1
Watch how British fashion blogger Emma Hill gets ready for Halloween - she and her husband Simon visit the pumpkin patch to buy pumpkins (see how long the queue is there - they say that queuing is a British tradition :) Pay attention how much the British love their dogs.

Video 2
This one is a tutorial how to make a Halloween pumpkin display. The British like DIY projects when it comes to decorating home for a holiday. Pay attention how Debs pronounces some words with the sound [ʌ] - it's actually [ʊ], this accent is common for the north of England.

I hope you didn't find the suggested videos too difficult. It's OK if you don't understand every word, just try to get a general idea. Let me know in the comments if you want me to post such watching suggestions from time to time.

My Favourite Toy - Students' Stories

  Dmytro Kutniy When I was little, my favorite toy was a small yellow car. I got it for my fifth birthday from my parents. The car was small...