Thursday, 13 September 2018

Learn the phonetic alphabet in 4 steps

As we start the school year lots of students have difficulties with reading transcription of the words. It's a very necessary skill which helps to find out the pronunciation of a certain word in the dictionary. To master it you must learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)a system where each symbol is associated with a particular English sound.

Learn the phonetic alphabeth in 4 steps

Step 1. Watch the video, listen to the pronunciation of each symbol and repeat after the speaker.
 Phonetic Symbols: Pronunciation

Step 2. Use Interactive Phonemic Chart to practise reading the phometic symbols. The chart is clickable so you can click on each symbol or a sample word to hear. Work like this:

- Click and say
- Say and then click to check

You can also download British Council Phonemic chart here (see Downloads Section).

Step 3. Practise transcribing online. On the following page you'll find the section "Transcribe words to and from phonetics". Start with the words which pronunciation you are familiar with.

There's also a useful site which helps with typing phonetic symbols Type IPA phonetic symbols

Step 4. Have fun with Macmillan Sounds Pronunciation App


  1. An instructive video for beginners to learn English.
    I think I should work on my pronunciation.

    1. It's good you understand the importance of pronunciation!

  2. I enjoyed working with the platform for memorizing sounds. I think I'm making success.

  3. Reading your post, it seems that the phonetics of the English language is not so difficult. Thank's

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks so much for the information and resources. I found them really helpful!


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