Thursday, 17 November 2022

Translator's False Friends

Translator's false friends (also called “false cognates”) are words that sound or are spelled similarly in two given languages but actually have different meanings. Here are the most common English-Ukrainian/Russian false friends.

Monday, 14 November 2022

Pronunciation Accuracy

Once I was delivering a presentation at the regional conference and mentioned G Suite for Education. I was instantly corrected by a very self-confident colleague. She was sure "suite" rhymes with "cute". I didn't give her a lecture on the correct pronunciation of this word - she was elder and more experienced than me and I had no intention of embarrassing her. Poor pronunciation is a sensitive issue for many people. Though embarrassment is not the only downside of it. If pronunciation is lacking, listening effectively will also be troublesome. It is also a limit for vocabulary expansion and usage as people avoid words that they find difficult to pronounce.

Here's my advice how to minimize the number of pronunciation mistakes you make if you don't live in English-speaking environment.

1. Don't be too self-confident. Look the word up online if you are not 100% sure about the pronunciation. Use audio dictionary apps. Always check and double-check. 

2. Watch English learning YouTube channels such as the BBC Learning English channel which goes in depth on pronunciation in a variety of short helpful clips.

3. Add listening to audiobooks to your learning routine. It may seem difficult at first. Listening is a skill so it needs developing. Start with something familiar and easy, even fairytales for children will do. You are sure to find a book to your taste and level in the series Macmillan Readers where each book has an audio CD.

4. Follow English learning accounts on Instagram which focus on pronunciation.
I highly recommend @learnbritishaccent
5. It's great if your teacher or tutor is careful enough to correct your every single pronunciation mistake even if you make it again and again. For instance, I'm never tired of correcting "museum", "hotel" and "theatre". Yes, I'm a real bore 😄

6. Don't get embarassed when you are corrected at the lesson. This is the way we learn - by making mistakes. It's completely natural. The fact that a student mispronounces a word while speaking means they learnt it while reading - and that is the evidence that you are a well-read person 😉 When corrected, repeat after your teacher, say the word several times and make a mental note of it. #ifIsayrepeatrepeat

Thursday, 10 November 2022

Clothes Vocabulary (2 grade)

Here are the interactive worksheets made up by future primary school teachers, the students of our college. The tasks are for the textbook English, 2 grade by T.Budna.

by Natalia Belova

Clothes, an interactive worksheet by nataliabielova

>By Angelina Bondarenko

Clothes, an interactive worksheet by Angelinabon

By Violetta Sulima

Clothes, an interactive worksheet by vetolichka252525

Sunday, 1 May 2022

Складання анотації

1. Уважно прочитайте інформацію та зробіть нотатки.

Анотація (від латинського annotatіo – примітка) – коротка характеристика книги, статті, що викладає її зміст і, інколи, дає оцінку, допомагає читачеві орієнтуватися в літературі з того чи іншого питання і полегшує роботу студентів.
Існує кілька видів анотації. Анотації за змістом і призначенням можуть бути довідковими, описовими, реферативними, рекомендаційними і критичними. Зупинимося лише на описових анотаціях, тому що вміння їх писати необхідне студентам у навчальному процесі для обробки друкованої інформації на рідній чи іноземній мові і при оформленні записок до дипломних робіт. Описова анотація містить від 3 до 10 речень (60-100 слів). Анотація, що підсумовує зміст тексту, може бути дуже короткою і складатися з 1-2 речень.
Працюючи над написанням анотації, варто дотримуватися трьох основних вимог:
1. анотація повинна відображати ідею усього тексту, а не окремих його частин;
2. матеріал має бути представленим у безособовій формі і не містити власних думок та вражень;
3. анотація бути стислою версією статті, написаною власними словами.
4. текст анотації повинен мати чітку структуру, де вказується про що йдеться у статті, що саме було досліджено і розглянуто, з яких частин вона складається і кому може бути цікава ця інформація.
Для написання анотації важливо, щоб студенти добре розуміли матеріал, над яким вони працюють, тому варто розглянути етапи роботи над текстом.
1. Перегляньте статтю, прочитайте заголовок, підзаголовки, перший абзац, перше речення кожного абзацу і останній абзац. У разі відсутності підзаголовків, самостійно поділіть текст на абзаци. Спробуйте зрозуміти про що йдеться у тексті і визначити тип тексту. Перекладіть невідомі слова, якщо вони допоможуть зрозуміти головну ідею.
2. Прочитайте статтю, підкресліть важливу інформацію і зробіть помітки.
3. Запишіть ключові факти своїми словами. Знайдіть інформацію, що підтверджує ці ключові факти, але не вдавайтесь у деталі.
4. Стисло викладіть висновки, що зробив автор, одним реченням.
5. Почніть писати анотацію, користуючись власними записами, не заглядаючи в оригінал. Варто зазначити, що анотація не повинна містити речення-висновку.
6. Перечитайте анотацію, переконайтесь, що вона написана власними словами і перевірте помилки.
Для написання анотації використовуються різні кліше (key patterns) для того, щоб полегшити систематизацію інформації і допомогти студенту дотримуватись стилю викладу і правил написання анотації:

1. The article (paper, book, etc.) deals with…

Ця стаття (робота, книга тощо) стосується…

2. As the title implies the article describes…

Згідно з назвою, у статті розглядається…

3. It is specially noted…

Особливо варто відмітити…

4. A mention should be made…


5. Basic information on … is presented.

Надається основна інформація про …

6. The text gives a valuable information on…

Текст надає цінну інформацію щодо …

7. The paper consists of …parts (chapters).
The paper contains the following parts: ……

Робота складається з … частин (розділів).
Робота складається з наступних частин:…

8. The article is of great help to …

Ця стаття стане у нагоді…

9. The article is of interest to…

Ця стаття становить інтерес для…

10. It (the article) gives a detailed analysis of …, contains the data on…

Стаття дає детальний аналіз…, містить дані про…

11. Special attention is given (paid) to…

Особлива увага приділяється…

12. It should be stressed (emphasized) that…

Варто зазначити (підкреслити), що …

13. The method proposed …

Запропонований метод...


Read the article and write an annotation

Friday, 29 April 2022

The Wheels on the Bus

The traditional American song "The Wheels on the Bus" was written in the 30's by Verna Hills but it is often referred to as a folk song due to the fact that many alternative verses have been created. The song shares the same tune with the nursery rhyme "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush".

Read the traditional lyrics and them watch the video and find the differences between the versions.

Traditional Lyrics

The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round,
round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish.
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish,
all through the town.

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep;
Beep, beep, beep;
Beep, beep, beep.
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep,
all through the town…

The money on the bus goes, clink, clink, clink;
Clink, clink, clink;
Clink, clink, clink.
The money on the bus goes, clink, clink, clink,
all through the town.

The Driver on the bus says “Move on back,
move on back, move on back;”
The Driver on the bus says “Move on back,”
all through the town.

The baby on the bus says “Wah, wah, wah;
Wah, wah, wah;
Wah, wah, wah”.
The baby on the bus says “Wah, wah, wah,”
all through the town.

The mommy on the bus says “Shush, shush, shush;
Shush, shush, shush;
Shush, shush, shush.”
The mommy on the bus says “Shush, shush, shush,”
all through the town.
The version with movements
Here is an example of using "The Wheels on the Bus" for teaching English in primary school. Remember it's essential for pupils to have fun in the process of learning and this song offers a great opportunity to relax and move.

Alternative Versions
(only the first line is given)
The doors on the bus go open and shut.
The bell on the bus goes ding-ding-ding.
The lady on the bus says, “Get off my feet”…
The people on the bus say, “We had a nice ride”…
“Your name” on the bus says Let Me Off!
The Grandma on the bus goes (kiss, kiss, kiss)
The Grandpa on the bus goes (snore, snore, snore)
Librarians on the bus go shh, shh, shh,
Mummy and daddy on the bus says, I love you,
Policeman on the bus, goes allo, allo allo,
Grannies on the bus, shake their heads,
Grannies on the bus knit, knit, knit,
Grannies on the bus knit, knit, knit,
Dentists on the bus say open wide,
Brakes on the bus, go screech, screech, screech,
Friends on the bus say, how are you?
Teenagers on the bus go like OMG,

Animal Sounds Versions

Dogs on the bus go woof, woof, woof, (or the dog on the bus goes...)
Cats on the bus go meow, meow, meow,
Mice on the bus go squeak, squeak, squeak,
Chickens on the bus go cluck, cluck, cluck,
Ducks on the bus go quack, quack, quack,
Turkeys on the bus go gobble, gobble, gobble,
Parrots on the bus say Who’s a pretty boy?
Sheep on the bus go baa, baa, baa,
Cows on the bus go moo, moo, moo,
Pigs on the bus go oink, oink, oink,
Horses on the bus go neigh, neigh, neigh,
Cockroaches on the bus go skitter, skitter, skitter,

Thursday, 17 February 2022

London Bridge Singing Game

 "London Bridge" is a popular nursery rhyme which is also used to play a fun and easy singing game. You need 5 or 6 children to play it and of course first they must learn the words of the song.

How to play

The words

The rhyme is a fine example of British folklore so there are several versions. Here are the most popular verses:
London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down,
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady.

Build It Up With Sticks and Stones,
Sticks and Stones,
Sticks and Stones.
Build It Up With Sticks and Stones,
My Fair Lady.

Sticks and Stones Will All Fall Down,
All Fall Down All Fall Down,
Sticks and Stones Will All Fall Down,
My Fair Lady.

Build It Up With Wood and Clay,
Wood and Clay Wood and Clay,
Build It Up With Wood and Clay,
My Fair Lady.

Wood and Clay Will Wash Away,
Wash Away,
Wash Away.
Wood and Clay Will Wash Away,
My Fair Lady.

Build It Up With Iron and Steel,
Iron and Steel,
Iron and Steel,
Build It Up With Iron and Steel,
My Fair Lady.

Iron and Steel Will Bend and Bow,
Bend and Bow,
Bend and Bow,
Iron and Steel Will Bend and Bow,
My Fair Lady.

Built it up with silver and gold,
Silver and gold, silver and gold,
Built it up with silver and gold,
My fair lady.

Gold and silver I have none,
I have none, I have none,
Gold and silver I have none,
My fair lady.

Build It Up With Bricks of Shaw,
Bricks So Sure,
Bricks So Sure,
Build It Up With Bricks of Shaw,
My Fair Lady.

It Will Stand For Ever More,
Ever More,
Ever More,
It Will Stand For Ever More,
My Fair Lady.

London Bridge was first built by the Romans in 50AD. Throughout the history it was destroyed and rebuilt several times. In fact, it "was falling down" several times and then was rebuilt and made stronger again and again. Originally, London bridge was wooden but in the 13th century stone was used  to construct it for the first time. The current crossing opened in 1973 has been built from concrete and steel.

Modern London Bridge

My Favourite Toy - Students' Stories

  Dmytro Kutniy When I was little, my favorite toy was a small yellow car. I got it for my fifth birthday from my parents. The car was small...