Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Seasons and Weather Vocabulary Practice - Task on Twitter

1. Watch the video and sing the song. Practise the movements. Copy the lyrics into your copybook or vocabulary.

2. Do Exercises 1-4 on p.76-77 (Speak English with pleasure by Tuchina). Write the answers into your copybooks.

3. Weather is always an interesting topic for conversation and not only in Britain where it's extremely changeable. Weather influences our mood, plans and even health condition. You have been enriching your weather vocabulary and now try to use it on Twitter. 

a) Take a photo of your present weather. This can be your view from the window or you can take a picture while having a walk. 

b) Post the photo on Twitter with 3 sentences describing the weather in the picture. Use the hashtag #MyQuarantineView You should use some active vocabulary from the exercises on pages 76-77.

c) Make a screenshot of your post and submit. Зробіть скріншот свого твіту та здайте через кнопку Здати роботу.

d) Look through the tweets by your groupmates. Like and retweet. Here is my tweet.

English Variations - Reading Practice

1. Read the text on page 17 and answer the question:

- How many English variations are mentioned in the text?

Write the answer into your copybook.

2. Write down the following words into your vocabulary:

borrow - позичати
similar - подібний, однаковий
educated - освічений
term - термін
Queen's English - королівська англійська
difference - різниця
difference in spelling - різниця у правописі

3. Complete the text on p.17 with the words from the box. Write the answers into your copybooks.

4. Which English variation does each statement refer to? Write the answers into your copybook.

a) It's used by the government, the BBC and the universities in Britain.
b) It borrowed many words from French and the Indian languages.
c) It has some grammar differences from British English.
d) It is similar to British English in pronunciation.
e) It sounds like American to the British and like British to the Americans.

4. Copy the chart into your copybook. Reread the text and complete 1-3 in the chart.


5. Look through the following articles on British and American English differences

Differences between British and American English
British English Vs American English: 24 Differences Illustrated

Complete the rest of the chart with the examples from the articles.

6. Зробіть якісні фото своєї роботи та здайте фото через кнопку Здати роботу (Moodle).

My Favourite Toy - Students' Stories

  Dmytro Kutniy When I was little, my favorite toy was a small yellow car. I got it for my fifth birthday from my parents. The car was small...