Thursday, 30 November 2017

Today is Saint Andrew's Day

Every year on 30 November Scotland celebrate a national holiday - Saint Andrew's Day. On Scotland's national day most people in this country get a day off and mark the occasion with traditional food, music, dances, flag flying and seeing family and friends.

St.Andrew has been honoured as a patron saint of Scotland since 1000 AD.

Get a glimpse of St.Andrew's Day parade in this video.

Find out more and get the idea of what being Scottish means by reading the following articles.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Preposition Songs

There's a wide variety of preposition songs on Youtube so it's important to choose the one which suits the needs of your class. The songs below are perfect for the third form in our country.

In, On, Under

Where is the Spider?

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Let's take English outside the classroom (Blended Learning Lesson Design)

1.Use an online-dictionary to find out the meaning of the following vocabulary:
language course
learning tool
sign in
log in
post a comment

2. Watch the video and find the American equivalents to the following British words:
Trousers -
Crisps -
Chips -
Lift -
Fizzy drink -
Film -
Sidewalk -

Use the prompts:

  • I will use…
  • I especially like…
  • … is very useful.
  • great.
  • I tried … . It’s very good.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Weather Song for Primary School

Knowing weather vocabulary is extremely important for future primary teachers as pupils of 2nd and 3rd forms are already familiar with basic words and expressions. Discussing weather at the lesson can be boring but there are ways to make it fun such as using songs with movements. For example, "The Sun comes Up".


OK English: 50 States of the USA Song

OK English: 50 States of the USA Song: 33-Ш Homework

Friday, 17 November 2017

Education in Ukraine - Summary

This term my fourth-year students have been mastering the art of presentation while learning to speak about Ukrainian educational system. This involved not only working with vocabulary and texts but also structuring information in a logical way, so the first step was to create a mind map. Then much time was devoted to developing speaking skills on the topic.
Here are the examples of the student's works: the PowerPoint slides were used as clues while delivering a speech.

Education in Ukraine from Natalia Zavgorodnia

Some students were brave enough to record their voice and actually succeeded in making a video.

A School Day in Britain

We have already learnt how to speak about educational system in our country in English. Now it's time to compare it with those of English-speaking countries. Watch the video about a day in the life of a common British schoolboy and answer the question: How does it differ from Ukraine?

Now watch again and write down the time for the following parts of the school day:
- registration
- the first lesson
- the second lesson
- lunch
- the third lesson
- hometime
What did you notice about the length of the lessons? What is the reason for this difference?

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Great Britain for Kids - Winners

During the previous week the third year students of Pokrovsk Pedagogical College took part in the contest for the best presentation on the topic "Great Britain for Kids". The task was to tell primary school children about Great Britain in an interesting way. So here are the winners:

(unfortunately, SlideShare doesn't allow to show animation skillfully created by the participants)

My Favourite Toy - Students' Stories

  Dmytro Kutniy When I was little, my favorite toy was a small yellow car. I got it for my fifth birthday from my parents. The car was small...