Sunday, 29 October 2017

Talking about the Weather - #MyView Summary

Weather is always an interesting topic for conversation and  not only in Britain where it's extremely changeable. Weather influences our mood, plans and even health condition. For the fortnight the fourth year students have been enriching their weather vocabulary and trying to use it on Twitter. Several activities were offered: already familiar illustrating words with examples and pictures, posting photos with a hashtag #MyView and searching for songs with #WeatherLyrics.Thanks to all who took active part.
Let's have a look at some #MyView posts. You are welcome to contribute to the hashtag #WeatherLyrics if you haven't done it yet.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Environment Protection - summary

We are rounding up the topic "Environmental Protection" this week. Lots of new vocabulary have been learnt. Many current problems have been discussed such as pollution, global warming, greenhouse effect, rare and vanishing species, deforestation, etc. Many facts have been discovered while searching the internet for environmental issues information (and your retweets are the evidence). The conclusion we've come to is frightening: all humanity is to blame for this disaster that is happening.
This recently released video introduces the new BBC series "Blue Planet II". Watch it and admire the astonishing beauty of the Earth which may disappear one day if we don't take care of it.


Please, share your impressions and thoughts in the comments.
And here is the story of our Twitter activity. Thanks to all the students who participated.

My Favourite Toy - Students' Stories

  Dmytro Kutniy When I was little, my favorite toy was a small yellow car. I got it for my fifth birthday from my parents. The car was small...