Monday, 30 January 2017

Jazz Chant 5:3 Can you come over?

- Can you come over for dinner tonight?
- I'd like that very much.
- Can you come over for dinner tonight?
- I'd like that very much.
- What time should I come?
- What time should I come?
- Come around six, if you can.
- Fine.
- Come around six, if you can.
- Fine.

- Can you come over?
- Can you come over?
- Can you come over for a drink tonight?
- I'd love to.
- I'd love to.
- Can you come over for a drink tonight?
- I'd love to.

- Can you come over for lunch tomorrow?
- I wish I could but I'm afraid I can't.
- Oh, I'm sorry. That's too bad.
- I really wish I could.

Click here to listen and download the Jazz Chant 5:3.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Jazz Chants - That's a Nice Sweater

Jazz Chants are exercises when students repeat rhythmically words and short phrases to music. Jazz Chant is a rhythmic expression of natural language which links the rhythms of spoken American English to the rhythms of traditional American jazz. 
The technique of jazz chanting was developed by Carolyn Graham during her twenty-five years of teaching ESL in the American Language Institute of New York University. Ms. Graham is the author of numerous Jazz Chants® books, all published by Oxford University Press.
Here's the example of how to improve your speaking skills using  a jazz chant.
Jazz Chant 4-2. Paying and Receiving Compliments.
That's a Nice Sweater

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Irregular Verbs Funny Poem

Read the rhyme and learn it by heart. There are 48 irregular verbs in it.
Пол Наташа sweep-swept-swept (подметать)
Дом в порядке keep-kept-kept (содержать, хранить)
Потому что know-knew-known (знать)
Что когда-то grow-grew-grown (вырастать)
И, конечно, dream-dreamt-dreamt (мечтать)
Выйти замуж без проблем
Я кирпичик throw-threw-thrown (бросать)
Он в окошко fly-flew-flown (летать)
Меня дядя catch-caught-caught (поймать)
К папе с мамой bring-brought-brought (приводить, отводить, приносить)

My Favourite Toy - Students' Stories

  Dmytro Kutniy When I was little, my favorite toy was a small yellow car. I got it for my fifth birthday from my parents. The car was small...